Prestige Custom Trim Brand & Website Redesign
Full logo and brand redesign along with a brand new custom website design to match.
The creation of a brand and website for an established Lititz, PA custom trim and cabinetry business that took them from dated to exceptional – matching the quality and service of their esteemed work and attracting new ideal clients.
Prestige Custom Trim Full Rebrand and Web Design
When Chad Brady, the owner and founder of Prestige Custom Trim reached out for help to take their current materials and level them up to where they want to be, I knew they would be a fantastic fit for my support. Prestige custom trim was already a highly esteemed custom trim, stair case and cabinetry small business with over 20 years experience. With that history and level of excellence, they needed a brand and website that matched their quality of work so they could be found by new customers that were looking for their level of work and quality. The problem with their current logo and website is that it was made a decade or more ago and it showed. A very out dated look and coding for their website that revealed how old it was and didn’t show any of their newer projects completed. With that set up, we went to work to create something that wowed visitors as much as their work wows clients in real life.
Prestige Custom Trim Logo and Brand Design
First, we needed to create a logo and brand that would portray what they do in a glance, along with the quality and expertise Prestige brings to every project. Chad Brady had a good idea of logos he was drawn to, but didn’t know how to bring them to life. Through many rounds of ideas consisting of various aspects of trim, staircases and wood grain, we landed on a mix that also looked like a plaque. This logo expresses the quality work Prestige brings by encorporating wood grain, some custom trim along the sides and the plaque has a quality of prestige itself. The font selected is a strong serif font that reads as dignified and long standing.
Once the brand was nailed down, we could move on to creating a website that can carry Prestige into a successful future of business.

Prestige Custom Trim Website Redesign
When Chad Brady came to me, his website was built on a very old custom coded static site by a local person who was looking to no longer host websites. He was in a pinch in not knowing where to go or how to get started. That was a perfect set up for me. I directed him to the host I recommend for all of my clients, got a staging site set up and went to work. I went to work building out the menu structure and sections with the new brand and went page by page to story brand each aspect of their business.
Beautiful and Effective Website Design
By selecting me to support their website redeisgn, Prestige not only got a website, but a story branded website that is more effective and securing new clients. Each page is “story branded” which means it’s laid out in copy and elements to connet with readers brains to engage them in the way Prestige desires. So each page is optimized for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to draw in new local clients looking for custom trim, cabinetry and staircases in their homes and buildings. Then each page is also laid out and worded to help those new visitors take action and reach out to Prestige for a quote. Knowing the exceptional work and service that Chad Brady provides from his testimonials and referrals, I knew by my support his website could really stregnthen his reach with new potential customers.
Add to all of that his professional photos of the amazing work that he does, and the website was complete.
Mobile & Tablet Optimized
Before the launch of any website I build, I comb through each and every page and element to make them all mobile-friendly – customizing everything until it looks exceptional on mobile devices. Most visitors visit on their phones – so having a mobile-friendly website is key in this season so every visitor can engage, connect and reach out easily when they come to Prestige Custom Trim’s website.
Visit the New Prestige Custom Trim Website
Don’t just take it from me and the screen shots. Visit the new Prestige Custom Trim Website to see it in action! Enjoy the professional design, the engaging minor animations, the clear and engaging copy and how effortlessly the menus and structure are laid out to go from page to page. Not only that, admire Prestige’s quality work and reach out if you yourself are in need of quality custom trim, cabinetry or staircases in your home.
If you ever find your organization with a website that feels dated and doesn’t represent the quality or level of expertise you bring to the world, or a website that doesn’t function as highly as you would like it to serve your audiences – It’s never too soon to have a website that helps your work and business grow, expand, and serve more people.
Reach out today to talk through how a website design can help your business flourish today and into the future!
Website Design
You can elevate the success of your work through a modern, functional, and expertly designed website.
Whether you’re a small business looking to grow your presence, a nonprofit looking to increase awareness and donations or a solopreneur looking to build a business from the ground up, a strong website with effective design and search engine optimization is key and I’m here for you. Through talking over your desired hopes for your organization’s future, I can work with you to create a website that supports the work you do and helps further your goals for the work that you do in the world.