“When Autumn comes, it doesn’t ask.  It just walks in where you left it last.
You never know when it starts.  Until there is fog inside the glass around your summer heart.”
– John Mayer

Those are the words that replay in my mind this time of year.  There was a coolness in the breeze that hadn’t been present recently, until today.  I love summer.  It’s heat, the feeling of sun soaking into my skin, how it warms me from the inside out.  I love the early mornings, and late evenings of light.  The quiet at work “where is he or she?” you say “on vacation.” and people are just ok with that.  I even like the sweating without trying.  warm weather is my favorite.  I always have trouble saying goodbye.

It’s not that I don’t love fall.  Don’t get me wrong. I do. The sentiment that Tom Hanks expresses in You’ve Got Mail (“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”) is one I truely share.  Fall is exciting.  All the programs and activities we want begin.  We can brake out our new jeans, oh and fashion scares, something so unnecessary it’s fun.  And I can’t leave out the color, fall has some of the most breathtaking days of color and cool air.

But, summer’s end?  Until last week when I vacationed, I felt I hadn’t even said hello to Summer!  My adult summer is shockingly different than my student and child summer.  The days of my life don’t change much, just the weather.  I work more than 40 hours a week, look out a window during the day, maybe breath the fresh air around noon, and eat dinner, exercise, maybe squeeze in an evening event, then do it all again.  Weekends had been booked with traveling, hosting and visiting.  I spent many fun moments with people, did so many new and exciting things.  Summer was great!  But, the true feeling of doing nothing.  of wearing as little clothing as possible and laying in summer’s rays with no obligations, didn’t happen for me until the middle of August.  I am blessed to have had a vacation.  I recognize and am ever grateful for that.  This weekend I will try and savor the warmth one more time before labor day when we stash our white shorts away for another year, and begin another chapter.  Summer’s page has been read.  Tattered and recently dog-eared.  It’s time to turn the page.