My Blog
Reflections on life, faith and living with your whole heart.
This blog is more than about me, it’s about you. It’s about exercising the voice I believe God gave me so you can find the courage to do the same in your lives. Read, but also reflect, grow, and find your voice trusting in it’s worth. I promise to be as brave and honest as possible while hoping and praying you find the courage to do the same.
Grace & Peace.
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Artwork in Penn State Health Lancaster
On Monday, September 26, I had the privilege of touring the new Penn State Health Lancaster Hospital with my family to view the over 500 pieces of art adorning the walls. The art committee intentionally planned this building to have art that would care for patients and their families as they spent time there. Each floor has an intentional theme like serenity & hope and I was beyond honored to learn my artwork was selected to hang in the hospital caring for our Lancaster community.
When we arrived, we knew there was a slim chance we would not see our art due to the fact that the hospital was still not yet open or complete. We also knew my pieces were hung in the 3rd and 4th floors. So when it came to those floors, we were all excited with anticipation to see my pieces! And for the first time on the tour, the doors would not open for our tour guide due to the hospital not yet being complete. So we tried to not get hopes up and just grieve the fact we wouldn’t see my pieces. Then someone walked to the other side of the wing and opened the doors! When we walked over and looked beyond those doors, my heart fluttered and I got teary – there hung, in the main corridor to the patient’s rooms on the delivery and surgical floor my “Lovely Rose”. I was so honored I was speechless – that is why it took me a week to even write about the experience.

There, on the floor where so many will walk to meet their babies, to process losses and fears, hung my rose. A rose that I painted because it calmed me in a hard season. And a rose that will now, I hope and pray, provide serenity and hope to every Lancaster family member, hospital staff, and friend that walks by it during their time there.

We were lucky to view one more piece of mine hanging in a patient room. This one is a serene view of a Lancaster, PA farm right outside of our home. A sunset we get to view and allow to calm us each and every night now becomes a piece that can care for whoever stays to recover and mend in the room where it hangs.

I am grateful to the art committee for allowing me to be an artist that cares for the patients in the new hospital in Lancaster, PA. I am also grateful that I never stopped painting, that I saw God’s gifts as skills that can serve others and I show up to allow that to happen. I’m grateful my art will care for so many beyond the homes where the originals hang. And I’m incredibly touched that I get t have pieces hanging for years to come alongside artists from Lancaster that I’ve always looked up to and admired (such as Fred Rogers and Regina Martin) as well as others who are new and prolific.
If you happen to need a stay or visit a loved one at the new Penn State Health Lancaster Hospital, I truly hope you feel blessed by the art surrounding your walks through the halls.
With love,
Other Love Notes & Thoughts
It truly is a gift and privilege to have artwork I create care for and add beauty to the lives of others. If you’re looking for a specially commissioned piece for your home or a gift, Reach Out. If you’d like to purchase a print or original on hand, visit my shop here or Etsy. And if you’d like a digital print of any of my paintings, reach out to request that as well.
Graphic & Website Design
I am so incredibly grateful to get to do what I do. This season of becoming a mom and growing my business has been incredible – beyond what I imagined and exactly what I did hope for! I’ve had the joy of serving such amazing clients – grateful to them all! And grateful for the absolutely fun variety of website design, marketing direction, graphic design, logo design & product photography, and editing. So fun and thankful!
I am currently loving teaching at the 55+ neighborhood in Lancaster off Harrisburg pike! What a joy. If you’d like to join us on Tuesdays at 9am, I am happy to share info! Just ask. Coming up, I’ll be teaching a special Gratitude practice at West End on Sunday 11/13/22 at 10:30am. I’d love to have you join me to increase your joy in this coming holiday season. I also teach Barre Yoga online – just ask to be on my e-mail list or join the facebook group to be notified of upcoming classes.
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