For some reason this year I didn’t remember Winter would end. It’s not that I forgot intellectually that Spring comes – always. It wasn’t that I didn’t ache to not have pain in my hands every time they lost blood from the cold. It wasn’t that I had forgotten how glorious sun felt or how vibrant a flower outdoors can be or how magical the birds chirping can make a life. No I hadn’t forgotten. But I hadn’t remembered either the coming goodness that could be and would be my reality soon. It was almost as if I’d just adapted to Winter and forgotten that wasn’t all there is.

This Winter may have been one of my best yet in terms of quality of life. I’d discovered gifts that saved me worlds of ache. Things like my remote start (which is a godsend if there ever was one, my electronic hand warmer, my full box of one-time use hand warmers for longer moments outdoors, the electric blanket I pre-heat my bed with, the multiple (I believe the count is 4 at this time? Well 5 if you count the one I keep at work) space heaters at every area I spend any time in, my smart thermostat I can heat up my house with before I step indoors… I’m truly truly blessed and privileged. I’ve learned what helps me and I had the ability to put that into reality. Protection from the harm of Winter almost all around. It was great. There was also my choice to test out waking earlier and fitting in a 10 minute walk to see if the activity and touching of the outside would help beat the Winter blues I knew all to well years before. Add to all of these balms the beautiful community of connection with loving people, a wonderful church and quality yoga practice with community in my life and I felt well, healthy, protected, even through what is my toughest season to weather.

Yet, what surprised me wasn’t the lack of harm I felt this Winter, although that did surprise me from it’s kindness, what surprised me was my lack of belief in Winter’s non-permanance. It was all I knew. I’d adapted so well it was just how life was for me. Always cold, I thought. Always a little darker than desired. Always needing of protection from the elements. Always indoors except for short spurts. Always huge coats and gloves and scarves. Always inside activities, TV, cozy potlucks and game nights… this was just life.

It also wasn’t that I had forgotten that there were warm climates elsewhere. I did know of warmth and sun and the jaw-dropping stop-in-my-tracks gorgeousness of nature to still exist – for I was blessed enough to visit Florida once this season and Longwood Gardens indoor conservatory full of blooms several times. But what didn’t register for me was that Spring, warmth, amazing sunshine, bright colors, longer hours of light and no need for protection against the cold was going to break into the scene in my world. Warm beauty was still existent, just not in my personal future reality.

Even now as I write this, sitting outside, no coat, serenaded by birds and delighted by daffodils and hyacinth, it’s surreal. It’s amazing and it’s unfathomable all at once. And this new experience of living in the Winter, which was not amazing, but OK, doable to the point of forgetting the glory of new life and the complete alternative that would come, and is in fact only around the corner out of sight, had me realize that this is our choice – we forget the alternative possibility of God’s new life always coming for us, or we actively remember.

You see, God is always present. God is always at work. God is bringing Spring into our worlds even now. We can watch for it. We can live with anticipation, joy, hope and the excitement of what is about to break. Or we can miss the opportunity to live with joy of what’s already coming, albeit below the surface, and merely weather the season we find ourselves in.

If we choose, our hearts can hold the joy of a good future coming, even in the moments that seem good may never come. We have to choose that hope, that joy. Throughout the Old Testament and the New we are told of a God and a people who are given the wise advice to “remember”. Even from Jesus we hear, “do this in remembrance of me.” It’s as if God is saying “Remember who I am. Remember I’m good. Remember what I am doing – making new life, redeeming, working for good. Remember.”

What this Winter taught me is that remember doesn’t just happen. Yes Spring will still come. God will still do His great glorious work of bringing new Life, Love and connection onto the scenes of our lives. But, if I don’t actively choose to remember that, we miss out on all of the moments of anticipation, joy of expectancy and flutters of hope that we could have had aliven us through the seasons prior to buds and blooms. That is the gift of remembrance. That is the gift of active hope.

Spring, new life, God’s work… yes it will take time: Anxiety will not cure overnight. Relationships will not heal or grow within a day. Grief will not pass in mere short moments. It will take time. But believe me, God’s been God since before He had that name and He’s been connecting, creating life with Love and producing fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control against which there is no end since before time. Just like the joy of today’s sun and the proof of this week’s flowers bursting forth, there are there glimmers of God’s work in your own heart, soul, mind, life. Where are they? Where can you actively remember what is coming? Point it out. Join in with God’s creative work.

God is working Spring into your Winters. Tomorrow will not be like today. Spring will Spring up. We can live with this hope friends. Come Easter, come Spring, what area are you are aching for new life? Lift that to God and trust not only that He loves you, and is working towards that end, but He aches with you just like He did during his own Winter on the Cross. May we all remember Winter only last so long and so does the time between Good Friday and Easter morning.

New life is about to bloom. Let’s all remember it. May our anticipation light up our cold, our dark and our seasons that feel like they may never change.

Grace, Peace & Namaste.

Little Extras

This photo was before I planted these beautiful pansies. I find so much joy in walking outside my house and coming home right now – seeing the colors, the cherry blossoms and everything coming to life. So much joy! And a great reminder that Spring always comes. 

Part of my intention to be this year, is allowing myself to well… just be. Which meant less blogging for great reasons. Instead of forcing ourselves to do things, I wonder how good it would feel to just allow ourselves to enjoy life, do what we need, play and leave space to just be enjoyed in the Love of God. No need to earn our worth, simply enjoy the fun and wonder of being human in all it’s richness and complexity. 

Not posting in awhile means a lot of life happened, content made and digested! So here’s little slice of things I’ve enjoyed that rise to the top since the last post. 

Podcast: Loved more than I realized I would every episode of Richard Rohr’s Another Name for Everything. Highly recommend it.

Books: I’m thankful to be rereading two with wholehearted friends that were impactful and life-giving to me over the last year or more. Rachel Held Evan’s book Inspired which breathed new life into scripture and my interaction with the real God for me. Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved which is a book I recommend every human read and read again whenever they forget they are already and always so so loved & delighted in. 

This year I decided as a “Seva” project after completing my 200 HR Yoga Teacher Training to go through a book that I say changed my life (which I don’t say lightly), The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown, teach weekly yoga practices and concepts to my students and then upload a podcast for all who want any support in becoming more authenticly themselves and live with their whole heart. If that sounds like you, please listen and listen again as often as you need to get back to your true, grounded, playful self. Links for all episodes on

Music: So much great music!! Check out and enjoy my playlist picks for March and April.Â