Cara-PoolThere’s stress this week. My chest is tight. A lot is going on.

And it’s OK.

Last week I had the amazing privilege of attending the local broadcast of the Global Leadership Summit. If you’re not familiar with it, the Summit draws highly respected leaders from various sectors of the business, professional, psychological, or Christian world providing two jam-packed days of teaching that leaves me with a year’s worth (or more!) of knowledge to unpack and grow from. There were so many wise and eye opening presenters this year that I wish I could’ve shared the experience with everyone! (I’m pretty sure you could find notes from all of the talks on their blog/twitter feed. So check that out.)

A few resounding themes stuck out in my mind from all of the talks:

A fulfilling and impactful life requires…


Tough experiences.

Vulnerable relationship.

All of which can be uncomfortable. All of which is not easy.

And that’s the truth isn’t it? Without challenges combined with space to reflect; without hard circumstances coupled with connection and personal awareness – life will continue to go as it’s been going. You don’t look at what’s going on, and it will keep going on until it forces you to face it. Your body gets sick, you can’t sleep, thoughts run wild, panic attacks you, appetite vanishes or goes on over-drive, life implodes… Sadly I’ve see it and see it often all around and within us.

For me, it came out as my fear mechanism learning to operate in high gear. Making what might be a little hiccup, feel just as big as a huge dilemma in life. I didn’t know what to do with it.

But now, with a lot of soul-work and continuous practice; with these three components of self-awareness, facing the struggle, and doing it in community… fear and I are friends. I feel it. I know it. It’s there. And it’s ok. It cycles through a whole lot quicker because it has a space to speak.

Like these Summit leaders resounded, once you notice, you can grow.

Recognize. Practice self-awareness. Be ok with discomfort. Lean in.

Cause the truth is, a lot of life will be uncomfortable. It will be tough. Especially if we seek to grow, if we choose to chase a dream, to love, or to live by Faith, we will experience the full range of life. The up, the down. The joy, the pain. The success and the failure. We will get hurt. And we can only live this grand kind of life if we are willing to be ok with the discomfort and lean into it to what it requires. We will need to face reality.

So this uncomfortable feeling in life right now? I’m OK with it. I actually notice it now and that’s the key. It has positives. It will pass. And I know that by it’s presence in my life, by my leaning into it, I have an opportunity to grow, to develop Faith, to choose to learn, stretch, expand, persevere and maybe (hopefully) even be surprised by the joy of God creating me anew.

I think this journey I’ve been on – the one with the challenges, the pain, the “whys” and the “hows”, the tears and the discomfort, the one we call life – I’m grateful for it. It’s taught me the beauty in every emotion, to see the positives in every situation, and to learn that Faith is believing beyond what I see and feel. By His grace alone I think I’m learning the truth in this crazy quote:

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. – James 1:2-4

So Friends, join me in this messy journey of life and Faith. Lean into all your feel. Let your life be your teacher and not your adversary. Feel the joy. Feel the pain. Don’t do it alone. Seek God with a passion. Invite others in to the beautiful unknown story that’s being written with your vastly unique life.

It may be terrifying at times. But thankfully we have One who showed us how to do this.

“Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how.” – Jesus.

Feel the fear, but choose to keep your eye on the prize – a grander life. One lived with God. One lived following Someone who knows how to do this journey well. One who is in you. One who can make this life so much more than we can on our own.

Extra Musings and Random Thoughts

The photo in this post was the view I had on Tuesday this week hanging out at my mentor friend Cara’s house. Fitting photo for this post since our relationship and conversation embodied all three of these themes – self-awareness about our lives, authentically honest conversation and vulnerable connection. The whole night was a blessing! Plus we both attended the Summit 🙂

Brene Brown spoke at the Leadership Summit and I can’t wait for her next book to come out later this month! 

Some highlights from the Summit were Ed Catmull and Bill Hybels talking about creativity, authenticity, leadership and how quiet times, reflection and meditation were important to them since I love those themes in my own life.

Many people surprised me (those are the talks I look forward to) and I enjoyed speakers reiterating how we all have blindspots and need vulnerable grace-filled relationship to have people help us see them. 

Ah I wish I could share it all!!

Moving on: Saturday I had a brunch with women from all areas of my life and spanning each decade from 20’s-50’s to talk about Rachel Held Evan’s book Searching for Sunday. So thankful for these women, and for the book Rachel wrote that gave us a platform to have honest touching conversation on our experiences with the Church. The whole morning was a gift! (Gretchen Rubin would be proud of our implementing one of her “Try this at Home” tips in her Happier podcast to start or join a group. And you know what… it was a happy experience!)