I would say I am fairly new to blogging.  When I say “fairly”  I mean I began seconds ago.  Really, I am doing this only to learn about the “how-to”s of blogs.  This year I began an awesome job that I still am in amazement of having.  With this excellent jobs comes many new titles, responsibilities, and challenges.  One very relevant being the new title and responsibilities of being “webmaster”.

What does this mean you ask?  Well, I can tell you with certainty it does not mean I am a master of the web.  Nope, I’m good at it, use facebook much, am a graphic designer which is handy for computer knowledge, I keep up several e-mail accounts and have a make shift web-site ( http://www.wix.com/RLHeisey/rlheiseydesign) for my portfolio (speaking of it reminds me of many updates that need to be made.  So check on that later).  Point of the run-on sentence, I am no master of the internets.  All this HTML, CSS and Java-Script language has my mind doing flips.  So, step by step I am learning more and today’s step?  Research from having my own WordPress blog.

My church’s website is a wordpress blog, that’s the one I manage.  It is a beast.  Now, that is not because it is out of date, unattractive, or hard to navigate.  It’s not.  It’s actually a very nice looking website with great information in it.  However, wordpress’ hosting limits me to almonst crippled.  This may not be because wordpress itself is limiting, though.  Therefore, I conclude it can’t hurt to learn more about a wordpress blog in hopes of finding true skills to help me progress our website at church.

Back to my newness in blogging.  With this intent to merely learn, I have no real knowledge to sell you.  I’ll simply be posting for kicks.  So, if you’ve stumbled onto this blog, it may not have much to offer you: I live alone, if you’re talking people.  If you count living things, I have a pretty (noisy) kitty and about 1000 spiders all inhabiting my place of residents.  The spiders seem to leave me alone and Ellie, the kitty with a major mouth, kills them upon sight.  I cook, paint, read, have many get-togethers, design, and do a lot of yoga.  I’ll basically write about what’s going on in my life and head.  But, if you’re my mom, dad, or other interested aquaintense feel free to read on, laugh, and learn together.  One more thing, I go to bed very early… it’s 9pm – Night.