You Are Beautiful

Negative self talk is something I can’t stand.  It may be the yoga teacher in me that wants everyone to love themselves as they are, maybe it’s all because of the anxiety and pain it has caused in my own life, but ultimately I believe it’s...

The Art of the Handwritten Letter

It’s been weeks since I’ve blogged and now I’m back!  A few weeks ago I moved into a new apartment (“The Treehouse” we affectionately call it, for it’s an adorable second-story place enclosed in trees. But that’s a post...

Thankful Thursday

Last night while reading, “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown, I learned the interesting fact that gratitude is interconnected to joy.  Brown is a researcher who has researched shame for years and in order to write this book researched people...

Twenty Four

This week I turned 24.  It’s not necessarily a milestone by any standard in our culture, but the birthday make me turn and reflect on my getting older none the less. For 1 year and 4 months now, I’ve been living almost 3 hours from where I grew...

Rachel’s Baked Oatmeal

Every time I bring tried and true, well-loved and known recipe to events here in NJ I am quickly reminded that if you had not grown up in lovely Lancaster, PA you probably have been deprived of this favorite dish of mine! Last Friday when I brought this to a ladies...