First Friday in LancasterThere must have been studies completed recently on anticipation, because I’ve read and heard probably four times this fall how the anticipation of a vacation is better than the actual vacation.  The studies point was to tell people to make several mini-cations instead of one big one a year.  I may not be vacationing often, but I sure experienced the truth in it’s findings!

This Friday is the First Friday of November – my gallery opening!  It is hard to believe it is finally here.  I can remember the sunny day in May 2009 when I walked into Red Raven Art Company and was offered a chance to be a part of their exhibits if my artwork passed the interview.  Amazing! That day was over a year ago and not one piece was painted by then; they were all simply vague dreams of what might cover my 7′ wall for a month.  Many times I thought to myself that I would need to use older pieces, things I’ve created in years past, to deck out the wall.  But as the months passed, the desire to paint and pressure to do it by November 2010 increased greatly.  I finished 10 acrylic paintings this year – plenty to fill the wall and much to be pleased with.

This is such an honor and I am SO excited!  Just like the anticipation of a vacation, the anticipation for this Friday night and this month has been exciting.  First Fridays in Lancaster City are a big deal – crowed, fun, and filled with things to do (to learn more about this month, click here) and I get to be a part of my favorite galleries opening reception.  This has been such a treat to be able to be “in” and “a part of” the artists at Red Raven: Fred Roger, Regina Martin, Matt Chambers, Art Harrington and others.  I’m getting to be an apprentice, accompaniment, colleague with those I admire.

One thing I am most excited about, along with dressing up, schmoozing and seeing the foot traffic and my art on that wall, is seeing who comes!  I look forward to seeing friends, family members, beloved co-workers and acquaintances who simply came out because me, their friend, cousin, colleague is in the show.  I hope to see you there and if you must visit from home, please take a look at