I had the privilege of attending a young adult conference this past weekend.  My favorite speaker ended up being Margret Feinberg, although Anne Jackson and Jon Acuff were close seconds.   When Margret come onto the stage, she asked if she could take her shoes off.  Of course, the bunch of twenty-somethings that filled the place were very ok with the removal of her shoes.  My friend next to me even had her shoes off at the time.  Margret just said “Great.  I’ve feel like I’ve been hearing God tell me ‘you be you, and you be mine'”.  Short and sweet explanation and when went on with her talk.

That phrase “you be you, and you be mine”  struck me as so beautiful.  I feel like I am in a season of many things where my schedule is full and mind even fuller.  Listening to her call from God to be me, and be God’s, brings me peace.  Peace that I can let the thoughts filling my brain fall away.  Peace that I do not need to be something for someone.  Peace siply to be me, be God’s.  Near the end of her very insightful talk, she said to be in the season you are in. Really be there. ” Are you single?”  She asked.  “Be completely open to God and live for him.  Are you married or empty nesting?  Love and serve your husband with all that you are.  Do you have kids?  Put yourself into bringing them up to know the Lord.”  Whatever season you are in, be there. By placing God at the center, being me and being His, I’m consciously and joyfully in my season.

What season are you in?