It has been fo-eva’ since I’ve blogged.  What’s the deal?  Where have I been?

Well, in a word? Everywhere!

I’ve been a nomad for the past month (and the travel won’t stop for another three weeks)!  This month is like none other I’ve had, and all my trips and visits have been a blast! So much so I wanted to give you a little “where have I been?!” in photos.

Oct. 2 I went up to NYC to visit a best friend from Lancaster. Highlight?  (Other than the time with my friend) Visiting Redeemer Presbyterian. If you don’t know about this church, you should.  It is on fire and preaches the Bible right in the heat of NYC.  Amazing to me to hear scripture in a place I consider to be the most secular spot in America.

Eataly in NYC

Eataly in NYC - Spectacular!

Photo from my new favorite spot in NYC: Eataly You must check it out!  It’s like stumbling Italy itself.

Oct. 7-9 I went to Lancaster Pennsylvania, my home town and one of the best places on earth.  This trip was indeed so I could enjoy the Manheim Farm Show in all it’s glory.  If I have any hick in me, this is it.

Mom and I enjoying our heavenly milkshakes

Heavenly Farmshow Milkshakes

The highlight? The milkshakes.  They will be served in Heaven. No doubt.

Moving on and traveling south I headed the following weekend, Oct. 14-16, to DC and VA! Quite a trip! I met a friend early and we headed to catch a train to NYC and a bus to DC.  Props to Megabus for taking us straight there with wi-fi and everything.  We fit in SO much.  Here’s all I got to do (hold on tight!) Visit Politics and Pros, Watch Win Win, go apple picking in VA, visit a VA vineyard for picnic lunches and win-tasting, catch up with old friends, rode past the MLK monument, fancy Spanish tapas b-day dinner, and visit the Whitehouse gardens!  Whew!  I can assure you we slept hard on that bus ride home.  Here’s a pic from the Whitehouse – it was lovely.

Whitehouse Autumn Gardens Tour

Whitehouse Autumn Gardens Tour

It’s been an exciting ride.  Before I hopped on this month, I was stressed about handling everything on my plate.  But, God proves to be my strength and energy once again! And I’ll be praying just as hard about these next few weeks.

What’s coming up?

Wednesday I leave for the windy city of Chicago! This is an especially exciting opportunity for me to meet people in my field and learn from other’s experiences. Check out the event, Conclave Sessions, that I’m honored to be a part of!

Then a few days after I return I’m off to Bolivia! Prayers and support are greatly appreciated for this one.  I’m super excited, a little nervous, and totally ready to be surprised by the trip.  I’ll be there from Nov. 5-13 and I’ll be sure to fill you in when I get back to the states!

Thanks for taking a trip with me over the past few weeks to where I’ve been.