May 2009 I was offered a chance to exhibit at my favorite gallery, Red Raven Art Company.  I was so excited to be given this chance!  The artists that display in this gallery are ones I have looked up to for over ten years, before they even were showing there.  Lee, the owner asked me if I’d like “October or November 2010”.  At first, I had thought, “well that’s funny.  That’s a whole year and some months away.”   So with some consideration I chose November in hopes of most of my family home for the holidays would be able to come.

When I was initially offered the position of “emerging artist November 2010”  I thought I would just show the art I’ve made, the pieces that had landed me this opportunity in the first place.  The truth was, I had gotten out of the habit of painting.  Sure, I knew I had an inherent talent and I remembered painting and creating fine art felt good.  But, like all other habits, those rewards dimmed as other activities filled my free time.  After I found out I had around 17 months to prepare, I had a seed of a thought to paint new things.  This seemed like a huge commitment, but with that much time, it seemed feasible.

I began my first painting of 2009 that May and fell back in love with the art.  However, the sedentary nature and large time commitment slowed my prolificity.  Summer 2010 came, and I only had 3 new paintings for a very large gallery wall.  Yes, initially I’d thought I’d be supplimenting my new peices with my well loved past works.  But, I really loved my new theme and style and wanted a whole wall of these.  With the time winding down, I… painted.  Writing “Paint” on my to-do list, gesso-ing canvases in spare moments, and spending some solid hours on the weekend at my paint table, I did it.  I did it!

Well, I have 7 painting thus far – New, beautiful, and cohesive.  My ambition is to paint several more before the actual show.   But, the pressure is off.  What I’ve loved about this project of mine, is it got me painting!   Artistic talent, like all talents, is only good here, now, in this life.  All the paintings I get to paint, are the only paints of mine that will exist.  Yes that is a “captain obvious” statement.  But, it is true.  Not using a given talent is a loss – all the paintings I could’ve made, the people I could’ve reached, etc.  It feels good to have at least 7 new peices that can now hopefully circulate the world and bring a little more beauty into the lives of those who hang them.

I don’t want to display my paintings before the show – but I want to invite you to the show.  Please consider visiting or viewing my paintings online at .  And of course, the goal is to sell each piece.  So if you like it, you can buy it!  Root me on these last two months and I hope to see you this November!  (you can view all the details at Red Raven’s website).