After my two seemingly forever-long days on jury duty, I have a strong appreciation for brevity.  That being said, this will be a short post.  Enjoy it.

Being on a jury and going through the tedious jury selection process I gained a new perspective on a few things about life I’d like to share:

  1. Diversity – the group of jurors, being around 100 people, contained every race, age, gender, height, weight, education level, and many languages.  This vast diversity is amazing!  If we are all created in the image of God – wow.  One more reason to put on your list of why our God is cool.
  2. The extent of my education – one of the main reasons the days were so slow is that they needed to weed out potential jurors to get the best group of unbiased people.  Through the process I was keenly aware of my extensive education.  I thank God I’ve been so lucky as to have gone through high school, completed college and excelled in every area of learning!  Smarts is a blessing!
  3. New respect for our judicial system – another reason why it was so lengthy was that our jury selection process does everything it can to ensure fairness in each trial.  I was not enjoying the sad stories we heard throughout our service, but I am thankful for the judge and court workers who deal with cases everyday to make our country safer.  Be thankful for the solid system and for those who deal with the law-breaking portion of society.

Ok that’s it!  I don’t want to keep you here too long… I know how that feels!