There are only 42 days until my First Friday reception as Red Raven Art Company’s November 2010 Emerging Artist.Each day my excitment builds.  Last week my 7 completed paintings were framed – a moment that made the allusive show feel real.  I’ve painted beautiful fresh items from every season of the year – the colors are magnificent.  Currently my home is adorned with pumpkins ready to be stared down until they appear on canvas.  Two of which have already fallen victim.

I will be given a 7 foot wall.  7 paintings with thick frames for 7 feet of space will be plenty.  However, with December around the corner and gift giving on the brain, I hope those 7 paintings will find homes quickly allowing space for additional pieces to be viewed and purchased.  The more I have on standby, the more chances I could have to sell art pieces.  Yes of course money is an obvious perk.  But, the idea that a painting I made, a painting who’s sole purpose is to bring more beauty into the lives of others, will hang in someone else’s home and to be enjoyed is the largest allure.

So 42 days – 42 to anticipate the show, to build excitement, and to get myself ready, send out invitations, and hang the works of art.  but, for many reasons only 14 to paint.  Can I get more done?  Well, the excitement helps my drive to paint.  And this time of year is a wonderful time for painting.  I had mentioned I love pumpkins – their vibrant orange, their cheerful plump bellies, and most definitely the pie they can become!   It’s not just the pumpkins that make painting fun for me in the fall, there are so many reasons.  The red and yellow hues of the leaves, the way the curl when the land on the ground, the sound of them crunching below my feet.  I love the gourds in their various shapes and colors, some muted, some a lively yellow.  O and the blue sky’s with white clouds.  There’s anticipation of the holidays and appreciation for the bounty of new produce to chose from.  Beauty is what inspires me to paint and Autumn is full of it.  Besides beauty Autumn has another reason I enjoy painting again, it’s chilly.  The crisp air is welcome to most after the 90-100 degree days of summer, but it brings me indoors.  A place where there are less distractions, and less enticing ways to unwind.  I find myself wanting to park behind my art table with a paintbrush and some music (or the Phillies) on in the background.

14 days, though. That’s not a lot.  Autumn also means a lot of programs and actives begin.  And with my spirit of “O that would be so much fun!” I tend to over schedule and squeeze plans into the 24 hours a day.  For example, just last week I picked up 2 more yoga classes, making that 3 total I teach a week, began self-defense (watch out!), and started a second Bible study – all of which are really enjoyable and cool in their own way.  But those are just the new things!  Ha – it’s a long list if I go into all my involvements.  So back to the question of painting – Will I get more done?  I think so – self discipline, and reminders of how it relaxes me from the busyness of work-days will be required.  But, I think I will.  How many?  You will have to come Friday November 5th and find out.