My Blog
Reflections on life, faith and living with your whole heart.
This blog is more than about me, it’s about you. It’s about exercising the voice I believe God gave me so you can find the courage to do the same in your lives. Read, but also reflect, grow, and find your voice trusting in it’s worth. I promise to be as brave and honest as possible while hoping and praying you find the courage to do the same.
Grace & Peace.
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Books I Read in 2021
It can be hard to remember what books I’ve read and when. It’s also fun to share what books I’ve read or am reading.
I haven’t posted before about what I’m reading, but I thought it would be fun to keep a running post of all of the books I’ve read and possibly what I’m reading at the moment from time to time. If you love to read, let me know what’s on your nightstand or e-reader.
Here’s to growth, enjoyment & connection through words read.

Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life
by Shauna Niequist
Finished this one in January for our Winter book club read. I loved it. Shauna’s younger in this than I am today, but her stage of life is similar and a bit ahead of mine. She shares her youth struggles with body image and body love and her current experience at the time of writing of becoming a mother. It’s a very easy read and short essay chapters so you can read just a little bit at a time.

Is This Anything?
by Jerry Seinfeld
For an Enneagram 1 that I am, this was something new for me. It’s simply a book of Jerry’s jokes. That’s it. There are a couple of pages introducing each decade where he does share how that season of his career was. I really enjoyed it. I’d pick it up here and there since you could just read a short joke at a time. It’s so quick to read. I would smile a bunch and we were going through Seinfield at the time and I enjoyed seeing the jokes I’d just read performed in the TV series. So if you like Jerry, you may enjoy reading his full book of jokes. It’s fun and meaningless. Just what a self-improving personality needs more of.

Know Your Money, Know Yourself
by Rachel Cruze
Spring Book Club read

Business Made Simple
by Donald Miller
Short 60 days of chapters with videos sent to you on weekdays.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility
by Toni Weschler
I wish every female was required to read this book. SO helpful. Gives you the knowledge to care for and track your body and achieve or avoid pregnancy as desired. Highly recommend to all who want to naturally care for their body.

Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day – Read in 2021
by Jay Shetty
We read this as our Spring read at Book Club. I loved this book. I would re-read it just for enjoyment. I’m already sold on yoga & mindfulness principles and was familiar with many shared. What this book gives is easy to digest and share an almost comprehensive collection of ideas for better well-being and thoughtfulness. Plus his life stories are very interesting as he lived in ashrams and transitioned to living a life outside of them.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting
by Heidi Murkoff
Super appreciated this book & read it at just the right time! Easy read and thorough.

Becoming Mrs. Lewis: The Improbable Love Story of Joy Davidman and C. S. Lewis
by Patti Callahan
I really wanted this book to be awesome. The based on a true story love story of C.S. Lewis?! But it was tragic. Super tiring in how hard the lead female’s life is and how they don’t get to live in love most of the book. Not my fav. I wanted a light loving story!

The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation
by Miles McPherson
I really appreciated this book. I’ve not read anything on race before and I valued this as our book club selection. It has such a unique perspective from the author being mixed race and leading a church of all races. I felt it insightful and also practically helpful to learn to open my own eyes to race and how to live a life of love to all.
What I’m Reading

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